Monday, July 27, 2015

Coffees With The Superintendent

I am excited to announce that I will be hosting a series of “Coffees with the Superintendent” throughout the month of August.  These coffees will take place in each of our seven schools and they will give me a chance to introduce myself to parents and stakeholders at our respective schools.  In addition, I will be able to hear from you and get a feel for the issues that are of interest around the district.

Each coffee will take place between 8:30-9:30 AM on the dates listed below.  It would be great if you can stop by.  I look forward to meeting you over the next few weeks.

All the best,

Jeffrey W. Granatino


Coffee Dates (all meetings are scheduled for 8:30-9:30 AM):

Monday, August 3rd @ Governor Winslow Elementary School (Library)

Thursday, August 6th @ Furnace Brook Middle School (Library)

Monday, August 10th @ Marshfield High School (Café)

Tuesday, August 11th @ Eames Way Elementary School (Library)

Friday, August 14th @ Martinson Elementary School (Cafeteria)

Wednesday, August 19th @ Daniel Webster Elementary School (Library)

Friday, August 21st @ South River Elementary School (Library)


Meeting Schedule for Marshfield FACTS

Marshfield FACTS Meeting Schedule

The newly formed Marshfield FACTS (Families, Adolescents and Community Together against Substances) has set up a schedule for meetings taking place over the next five months.  They are listed below.  All meetings will take place at the Seth Ventress Auditorium, 76 South River Street.

We hope you can join us.

Monday, Aug. 17 - 3 p.m.

Monday, Sept. 21 - 7 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 19 - 3 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 16 - 7 p.m.

Monday, Dec. 14 - 3 p.m.

You can also learn more about the group on its Facebook page, Marshfield FACTS.

Monday, July 13, 2015

MEF- 5th Annual Swing for Kids Golf Outing

Come join the Marshfield Education Foundation for the 5th Annual Swing for the Kids Golf Outing and then enjoy the views on the deck for the 2nd Annual Midsummer Night at Indian Pond Evening Social with food, cocktails, good friends, raffles, auctions and prizes all to help support the MEF’s mission to fund innovative education programs in the Marshfield Public Schools.

$125 per golfer  / $40 Midsummer Night at Indian Pond (only)
Golf includes

10:30AM: Registration

Driving Range and putting Green open
12:00PM: Shotgun start

Best ball scramble

5:00PM – 9:00PM:  Midsummer Night at Indian Pond

Silent auction & Raffles, BBQ & cash bar with entertainment

If you want to sign up you can go to the following link:

Friday, July 10, 2015

Hello Marshfield

Good Evening Marshfield Parents & Caregivers,

Having completed my first full week on the job as your Superintendent, I wanted to let you know how excited and honored I am to take on this very important role.  We have a terrific team of teachers, administrators and support staff in our district and they are one of the main reasons I wanted to come to Marshfield and be a part of this team.  Just as important is the ongoing support shown by the entire Marshfield community. When you have a strong team in the schools working with caring community stakeholders, you have the foundation for a tremendous school district.  That is what we have in Marshfield and I am looking forward to building on the great work that has been going on in the Marshfield schools for some time.

I will be spending a big part of the summer meeting with members of our educational and support teams, along with town leaders and parents throughout Marshfield to get a good understanding of the priorities of our educational community.  I have been able to meet with a number of folks already and I look forward to continuing those conversations as I work with our school leaders in developing goals for the upcoming school year.  While dates have not been set yet, I will also be hosting a few "Coffees with the Superintendent" at different schools around town so I can meet with as many of you as possible.  Please watch our website for those upcoming dates.

In my ongoing effort to keep lines of communication open throughout the district, I want you to be aware of two of the ways that I will be sharing information throughout the year. The first is through my Twitter account.  I will update that frequently with information that I feel is pertinent to what we are trying to do here in the district.  That account is .

In addition, I just set up my blog, “The Superintendent’s Corner”.  This will be a platform by which I can communicate with staff and families on matters of importance around the district.  I have found it very useful in the past and will update it quite a bit.  Feel free to let me know if you have information or news that may be good for the blog.  That address is .

As I noted before, Marshfield has a tremendous team of educators who work together in the best interest of the students and families of this great town.  I am excited for the opportunity to lead such a group and I am confident that we will continue to grow as a district.  

I look forward to seeing you around town this summer.

All the best,

Jeffrey Granatino

Marshfield School Committee Meeting- Tuesday, July 14th.

The next Marshfield School Committee Meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 14th in the Ventress Building.  The Committee will first meet in Executive Session at 6:00 PM and then will reconvene in Open Session at/or about 7:00 PM.

Here is a link to the meeting's agenda:

Marshfield Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention- Next Meeting Monday, July 13

The newly organized Marshfield Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention will have its next monthly meeting on July 13 at 7 PM at the Seth Ventress Building (76 South River Street).  A large contingent of concerned Marshfield stakeholders will be coming together to continue their work on looking at our local substance abuse problems.  The hope is to work collaboratively on creating programs and awareness to combat the substance abuse issues that are plaguing our region.   We hope you can join us on the 13th. 

John Mills Named New Assistant Principal at FBMS

I am excited to announce that John Mills has accepted the position of Assistant Principal of FBMS.  John comes to us with a wealth of experience in education including working for Scituate Public Schools, where he served as Assistant Principal of Scituate High School and most recently as the District technology Integration Specialist.  John has a student-centered approach; he has middle school teaching experience and experience as a history teacher at the secondary level; and he will fit well within our school's approach to educate the entire child.  He is also a Marshfield resident who has two children currently enrolled at FBMS and one who will be coming up in a couple of years.  He very much values and appreciates the Marshfield educational experience and is excited to be on the FBMS team!

Pat Sullivan