Monday, August 31, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Overdose Awareness Vigil- Monday, August 31st @ 7 PM

With Representative Jim Cantwell, Marshfield Selectmen, Matt McDonough, Steve Robbins, Michael Bradley, and Marshfield Town Manager, Rocco Longo after set up for Monday's vigil.  

Friday, August 28, 2015

Overdose Awareness Vigil- August 31st @ 7 PM

Good morning.  I wanted to share with you information about a very important program that is being brought forth as part of the the Board of Selectmen's Drug Task Force.
Monday, August 31 at 7pm will be Marshfield's Overdose Awareness Vigil. Please join us on the Town Green for a candle light vigil with music, song, reflection and access to resources to combat the opioid crisis. Thanks to our flag sponsors, The Molly Fitzgerald Fund and Marshfield Kiwanis, we will be planting 1,256 purple flags on the Town Green, 6pm Sunday August 30. Each flag represents a resident of the Commonwealth who died from overdose in 2014. We can use more volunteers for the flag planting and appreciate your support.
Thank you and we hope to see you there.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Opening of 2015-16 School Year

Good morning.  The last few days of summer are upon us and I wanted to remind you of some key dates during the first two weeks of the school year.

Opening of School Year

Monday, August 31st-  Teacher Orientation (no classes)
Tuesday, September 1- Opening Day of classes for students in Grades 1-12
Friday, September 4- No School
Monday, September 7- Labor Day- No School
Tuesday, September 8- Classes resume and students in Pre K & K begin their year

Bus information and other school information can be found on the main page of the District's website at:

Enjoy the final few days of summer with family and friends and we look forward to seeing you next week.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Great Day for Marshfield Public Schools!

What a day in Marshfield!  Beyond the wonderful Fair that is taking place right outside my window, today was a tremendous day for the Marshfield Public Schools!!!

The day started with over 40 educators taking part in a wonderful workshop entitled "Demystifying ELL" led by our ELL instructor, Mary Bradshaw, upstairs in the Ventress Building.  Teachers and administrators from all levels came together to enhance their understanding of working with ELL students.  It is always a joy to see that many educators coming together to hone their skills during the final few days of the summer.

In addition, Eames Way teacher, Linda Hurstak led a workshop for about two dozen teachers and administrators on "Teaching Smarter".  The teachers were engrossed in the activities and added to their ever-growing "tool box" of skills that they will be bringing to their classrooms this fall.

Beyond the teachers working on their professional development and the dozens that were present setting up their rooms for the upcoming school year, we had groups of students at the Furnace Brook Middle School and Marshfield High School learning and applying their leadership skills.  At the FBMS, we had a few dozen WEB. (Where Everyone Belongs) Leaders taking part in training that will prepare them for this Thursday, when they will help work with incoming 6th graders during their orientation day as well as when school begins next week.

Moreover, student leaders from grades 10-12 at Marshfield High School spent the day leading activities in the Freshman Leadership Academy.  This is a tremendous program that brought upper classmen together to work with incoming Freshmen.  They worked on team building, collaboration and problem solving skills.  They also worked on easing the transition for the new high school students and these young leaders will serve as a friendly face and point person for the 9th graders when they enter MHS next week.

Finally, we had friendly "welcome" gatherings for a number of our incoming Kindergarten students at their respective elementary schools.  Our newest students are always a little anxious and today's fun activities allowed students and parents to get used to the new environment in a family-friendly fashion.

There have been so many great things going on around the district this summer, but today was really a highlight for me and one that made me quite proud to be the Superintendent of this wonderful school system. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Construction Update at MES

Work on the damaged support beam above the computer lab at the Martinson Elementary School is close to complete.  As you may recall, with last year's record amounts of snow, there was damage to a support beam that caused the school to keep the computer lab shut down towards the end of the school year.

Over the summer, work has been progressing on the damaged area and we got word last week that outside engineers and the town of Marshfield completed and approved an inspection of the repaired area.  The contractors have some finish work to do, but they appear to be on schedule for completion before the start of the school year.

Thank you for everyone's patience at the MES.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Assistant Principal Named At South River Elementary

Below is a note that Principal Scolaro sent out regarding the hiring of their new Assistant Principal; Mrs. Amy Fultz.

Hello Everyone,

      It is my pleasure to announce that  Mrs. Amy Fultz, has been hired as the new Assistant Principal of SRS. Amy comes to us from GWS where she worked for several years as a special education teacher in co-taught classrooms. Throughout her teaching career and while preparing to earn administrative licensure, Amy has consistently proven herself to be an intelligent, dedicated, and visionary leader. We are very fortunate to have her join the SRS team!
     I would like to thank Deb DiBona, Susan Dupuis, Erin Gullekson, Alisa Pozner, and Jane Williams for serving on the screening/ interviewing committee. There were many worthy candidates, and the hard work and commitment of this committee ensured that we found the perfect match for SRS.