Tuesday, June 20, 2017

New FBMS Principal Named

Good afternoon,

I am writing to inform you that I have offered the position of Principal of the Furnace Brook Middle School (FBMS) to Ms. Maureen Kemmett.  Pending successful negotiations, Ms. Kemmett will replace Principal Patrick Sullivan who will begin his new role of Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction in the Cohasset Public School District.

Ms. Kemmett has been Assistant Principal at FBMS for the past five years.  She has played an integral role in the implementation of a number of initiatives at FBMS including the One Book, One School program, and she has helped guide its commitment to a Response to Intervention (RTI) tiered model of support for all FBMS students.  Her efforts at FBMS, along with her strong connections to students, staff and the FBMS community, led to her being recognized at the state level being selected as the 2017 Assistant Principal of the Year for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Prior to arriving in Marshfield, Ms. Kemmett served as a Housemaster at the Middleborough Middle School for six years.  She has also served as an interim Assistant Principal in Silver Lake Middle School, and was the Special Education Department Head for Plymouth North High School for one year.   In the classroom, she taught special education at the elementary and middle school level while in the Silver Lake and Hanover school districts.

Ms. Kemmett has a Bachelors of Science degree in Sociology from Bridgewater State University and a Masters of Education degree from the University of Massachusetts, Boston.  In addition, she has a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Middle School Administration from Bridgewater State University.

I want to thank each of the Principal Search Committee members for their hard work and attention to detail over the past month as they reviewed 29 candidates from across the Commonwealth during this process.

Ms. Kemmett will start in her new position on July 1, and will be immediately working with her leadership team to fill the Assistant Principal position that will now be vacant.    

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Bus Stop Changes for Today on Spring Street

The following message has been emailed out to parents at the MHS, FBMS and MES from our transportation department:

Please be aware that this afternoon students on Marshfield High School Bus 13, Furnace Brook Bus 18 and Martinson Bus 18 residing on Spring Street from Highland Street to Horseshoe Lane will be dropped off at Highland/Spring and Spring/Horseshoe due to construction. Please make the necessary plans to pick up your child or children at one of those two stops. Thank you