I wanted to share a link to my new cable show, The Superintendent's Corner. The show will be produced at least once a month with the help of students in Mr. Shacochis' television broadcasting program at Marshfield High School.
The goal of the program is to meet with various stakeholders from throughout the district to discuss interesting initiatives and programs that are going on throughout the District. For our first show, I interviewed Principal Pat Sullivan from the FBMS, along with Ms. Lisa Lynch, an English teacher at the FBMS. The topic was the One Book/One School initiative that began three years ago at FBMS. A great deal of the discussion centered on this year's One Book read, The Finest Hours, which will be coming to the big screen this week, as a Disney produced movie. In case you did not know, The Finest Hours was written by Marshfield's own, Casey Sherman.
I hope you enjoy the show.