Wednesday, February 24, 2016

National Engineers Week

National Engineers Week will be celebrated February 21-27, 2016 at schools, universities, companies, afterschool programs and in households across the United States.  Did you know that engineers dream up creative, exciting and practical solutions and work with other innovative and inspiring people to invent, design and create things that matter in the world?  Do you like to be creative, invent, help people solve problems and make a difference in the world?  Then explore engineering by doing a simple, hands-on engineering activity (see flyer and/or visit, meet an engineer in your community, or check out local engineering programs through the various STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) programs at your school, Boys & Girls Club or local public library.  National Engineers Week is sponsored by DiscoverE, a national foundation of over 100 non-profits and organizations whose mission is to sustain and grow engineering through outreach, education, celebration and volunteerism.  Let’s Make a Difference.