Recently, the MPSD Comprehensive Health Coordinator, Marybeth Battis and MHS Special Education Director, Heather O'Neil, went through Phase 1 of training affiliated with Game Change, the New England Patriots Anti-Violence Partnership. According to their website, Game Change is an innovative approach to violence prevention education. The program, funded by the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation and the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, provides training for students, faculty, and coaches at 98 public high schools across Massachusetts.
The program will train 196 school personnel at six regional trainings across Massachusetts beginning in January. The trainings are conducted by Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), a nationwide leader in addressing violence prevention. Run by the Center for Sport in Society at Northeastern University, MVP uses a sports-themed curriculum and employs collegiate athletes and former professional athletes as trainers.
The program also includes online support tools for schools and an evaluation component to determine the effectiveness of the program in changing attitudes and behaviors.
Marshfield is now hoping to be selected for Phase 2 of the training. If chosen, this will entail more in-depth, in-school trainings to 30 high schools statewide. Ms. Battis was able to share this information with the School Committee at last night's meeting.