Wednesday, June 8, 2016

School Comittee Honors District Retirees

At last night's School Committee meeting, retiring staff were recognized for their service to the Marshfield Public Schools.  This is a special group of men and women who gave their careers to help service our students.  They have been teachers, librarians, secretaries, tutors, nurses, support personnel, and custodians.  The impact they have had on our children is immeasurable and we thank them all for their dedication and service to the MPSD.  They will be sorely missed!!

Below is a listing of those who are retiring from the district and their terms of service.

Mary Bulman

Robert Colligan

Mary Cox

Nancy DeBoe
27 Years

Susan Edwards

Katherine Eriksen

Ann Fletcher

Frances Horne

Barbara Hupprich
23 Years

Maureen Joyce
15 Years

M. Jean Smith Kelley

Karen Kerr

James Lambrecht
Marshfield Public Schools

Sheila Lipson

Michael McDavitt

Claire McNally

Robert Metcalf

JoAnn Oxner

         Peter Phillips           

Rebecca Shiaris

Beatrice Stapelfeld

Elizabeth Testa

Patricia Toomey

Anita Warren
1989 - 2016

Below is a photograph taken at last night's SC Meeting with those retirees who were able to be in attendance:

Sunday, June 5, 2016

MEF Funds $105,990.03 In Grants

A huge THANK YOU to the Marshfield Education Foundation who, at their last board meeting, funded 16 educator grants totaling $105,990.03.  The organization received 28 grants totaling $402,530, which represents the largest total requests in their history as a foundation. As the Grant Committee completed the evaluation process, they were impressed with the quality of the grants and faced difficult decisions in choosing this year’s recipients. 
There will be a reception honoring the grant recipients on Monday, June 13th at 4 PM at the Marshfield Tavern.
One big reason the MEF is able to bestow such large grants on our educators is due to the success of their annual "Swing For the Kids" golf tournament.  This year, that event will take place on August 1st at South Shore Country Club.  If you are interested in taking part in this terrific event, you can click on the following link to the event's registration page:
Thank you again to the MEF for all that you do!!

Drone Coverage From MHS Graduation

Mr. Jason Soslow and Mr. Brian Schacochis, from MHS, collaborated to put together a wonderful highlight video of drone footage from Saturday's graduation.  Here is the link to that footage:

Launch Day 2016

It was a wonderful morning on Friday, as students in the Marine Fabrication class at MHS were able to launch the boats they had been building all year.  It was a tremendous showing of craftsmanship and student pride in their work.  A job well done by all who took part in the event.

Here's a few pictures from the big day.

FBMS Well Project In South Sudan Complete

FBMS is Very Proud to Announce that the well for South Sudan is complete! Thank you FBMS Community!