A huge THANK YOU to the Marshfield Education Foundation who, at their last board meeting, funded 16 educator grants totaling $105,990.03. The organization received 28 grants totaling $402,530,
which represents the largest total requests in their history as a foundation. As
the Grant Committee completed the evaluation process, they were impressed with
the quality of the grants and faced difficult decisions in choosing this year’s
There will be a reception honoring the grant recipients on Monday, June 13th at 4 PM at the Marshfield Tavern.
One big reason the MEF is able to bestow such large grants on our educators is due to the success of their annual "Swing For the Kids" golf tournament. This year, that event will take place on August 1st at South Shore Country Club. If you are interested in taking part in this terrific event, you can click on the following link to the event's registration page: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ecnh22she7978fe8&llr=cylnz5eab
Thank you again to the MEF for all that you do!!