Tuesday, October 18, 2016

MHS Freshman Field Hockey In Action

Here are a few shots of our Freshman Field Hockey team in action today against Scituate.  Due to a few injuries the MHS girls had no substitutes but played hard for  the entire game and never gave up.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Homework Free Nights

Good evening.  I am writing to inform you that the Marshfield Public Schools will be “Homework Free” across the district from Thursday Night, November 10th through the Veterans Day weekend.

This is the second year that we have gone “homework free” in conjunction with Veterans Day.  In part, as the district focuses a great deal of attention on the social-emotional well-being of our students and staff, we are looking to give them a break from homework.  For some, schedules and stress levels continue to grow as the year progresses and having homework free nights will help relieve some of that stress.

In addition, time away from homework will allow our students and staff, and their families, to focus on the importance of recognizing Veterans Day, which takes place on November 11th.  In lieu of homework, I hope that members of our school community will find the time on Veterans Day to thank a Veteran they may know for their service to our country.  The person they reach out to could be a relative, a neighbor or a friend.  In addition, if members of our school community can attend the Veterans Day Ceremony at 11 AM at Veterans Memorial Park, it would be greatly appreciated by an amazing group of men and women who have served our country so valiantly over the years.

We will be scheduling a few additional homework free nights later in the school year as well.  We will send out further information as we get closer to those dates.

Thank you and have a good night.


Jeffrey W. Granatino

Special Town Meeting-Monday, October 24th @ MHS

Just a reminder to everyone that Marshfield's Special Town Meeting will take place on Monday, October 24th.  The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM and will take place in the MHS Auditorium.

The MPSD will have two articles in relation to the Furnace Brook Middle School.  One article will seek $700,000 to replace the three existing boilers at the FBMS with new, high efficiency boilers.

In addition, there will be an article seeking $60,000 to pay for a Schematic Design Study at the FBMS for a potential roof replacement project.   The district is seeking reimbursement from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) to assist with the cost of this potential project.

Short Term Evacuation at MES Today

The following is a note sent from Principal Scollins to the MES community this afternoon, after a brief building evacuation:

Dear Families,
Today at Martinson Elementary School there was a reported smell of natural gas in the main hallway of the building.  As a precaution, we evacuated the building and walked to the back field. The Marshfield Fire and Police Departments determined there was no danger and the gas company was called to follow-up.  I want to thank the staff and children for evacuating quickly and quietly, it was “textbook”.   I would also like to thank the Marshfield Police and Fire Departments for their quick response, and Superintendent Granatino, Marshfield High School Principal Keuther, Furnace Brook Middle School Principal Sullivan and their staff for assisting us on the field.  The safety of your children is our biggest concern, therefore we will always err on the side of caution. If you have any questions or concerns please call me at 781 834-5025.
Dr. Scollins

PSAT/NMSQT Exams at MHS on October 19th

On Wednesday, October 19thALL students in grades 10 and 11 will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT exam during school hours in their homerooms.  PSAT bulletins will be distributed on Friday 10/14  so students can preview the exam and gain study strategies. Although this exam is a practice for the College Board SAT, it also provides Juniors an opportunity to qualify for a National Merit Scholarship if they score well enough. Students should take the PSAT/NMSQT during BOTH their sophomore and junior years, prior to taking the SAT exam in the spring.
For questions please contact the Guidance office- 781-834-5055

Parent Discussion Night at FBMS, Monday, Oct. 17 @ 7 PM

Parent Discussion Night 

The goal of the FBMS Parent Discussion Nights is to support families in raising kids who think critically, participate responsibly, and behave ethically in their online lives. By hosting discussion groups of parents, we hope to encourage and support rich and relevant "community conversations" about kids’ digital lives throughout the school year.

The Parent Discussion Night takes parents on a deep dive into a topic that FBMS parents have identified as critical.
  • Monday October 17 Parent Discussion Night #1 7PM/FBMS Library "Online Privacy/Safety"

  • Monday November 14 Parent Discussion Night #2 7PM/FBMS Library "Sexting & Other Social Media Pitfalls"