Thursday, December 29, 2016

Scheduled Plumbing Work at Daniel Webster School

Below is an notification that went out the DWS community related to upcoming plumbing work at the DWS.

December 23, 2016

To Families and Staff at the Daniel Webster School:

We wanted to take a moment to inform you that there will be plumbing work done at the DWS to help alleviate some of the issues that have arisen over the first part of the school year.  This work will begin over the Holiday Vacation and will continue into early January, once school resumes.

The area where the work will take place is not adjacent to any classrooms and is focused on the side hallway leading to the boiler room.  To get to the impacted pipes, a small area of tiles will have to be removed from the floor.  Due to the age of the tiles, there is trace amounts of asbestos in the adhesive that holds them down.  Because of that, there are extra precautions that will take place when the tiles are removed.  That work will be done over vacation and will adhere to strict abatement requirements.  An industrial hygienist will supervise the removal.

We are hoping to schedule the remainder of the plumbing work for the first or second week of January.  Any work that creates an abundance of noise will be done during non-school hours.  The work that is done during the school day should not create a disruption to our learning environments.  At all times, that work will be cordoned off from the rest of the school and again, and the work will only be taking place on the side hallway leading to the boiler room, away from all classes.  Throughout the project, we will work with the contractors to ensure a safe and clean working environment.

We hope this gives you a better understanding of the work we have scheduled for the DWS, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.


Jeffrey W. Granatino                         Sara Prouty                                      Brian Adams

Superintendent                                DWS Principal                                 Director of Facilities