Good evening. I am writing to inform you that the Marshfield Public Schools will be Homework Free across the district from Thursday Night, November 9th through the Veterans Day weekend.
This is the third year that we have gone “homework free” in conjunction with Veterans Day. In part, as the district continues to focus attention on the social-emotional well-being of our students and staff, we are looking to give them a break from homework. Each year, it has been reported to teachers and administrators that schedules and stress levels continue to grow as the year progresses and having a homework free night can help relieve some of that stress.
In addition, time away from homework will allow our students and staff, and their families, to focus on the importance of recognizing Veterans Day. In lieu of homework, I hope that members of our school community will find the time on Veterans Day to thank a Veteran they may know for their service to our country. The person they reach out to could be a relative, a neighbor or a friend. In addition, if members of our school community can attend the Veterans Day Ceremony at 11 AM at Veterans Memorial Park, it would be greatly appreciated by an amazing group of men and women who have given so much to our country.
I know this notice is seven weeks in advance of the Homework Free night, but I wanted to provide you with the time needed to work this this change into your schedules.
Thank you and have a great night.