Marshfield Public Preschool
Marshfield Public Preschool, (formerly known as Hand in Hand)
applications are available for the 2018/2019 school year. Applications are
available on the Marshfield Public Schools website under the schools tab, Early
Childhood Programs. They are also
available at the front office of the Martinson or Daniel Webster Elementary
Integrated Preschool Programs
Marshfield Public Schools offer a variety of preschool opportunities for three and four year
old children. The preschool classes are half day sessions that meet two or four days per
week. The classrooms are currently located at the Daniel Webster and Martinson
Elementary Schools. The programs serve children with and without special needs. Children
participate in the programs through the open application/lottery or the evaluation process. Applications are available through February 28th. Children must be three years old by
August 31 of the year entering.
Tuition- 4 days- $2040 2 days-$1020
Please call the Early Childhood Office
at 781-834-5048 for
more information.
more information.