Wednesday, January 25, 2017

2017 Strategic Planning Process

To MPSD Community and Staff:

Each school district in Massachusetts is required to have a District Strategic Plan.  A Strategic Plan provides a vision, mission and values for our schools and outlines goals, objectives and action steps that will help guide the district over the next five years.  The Plan also guides the school district’s actions, fiscal decisions and student achievement outcomes.  Since we are in the final year of our current five-year Strategic Plan, the Marshfield Public Schools will work over the next few months on formulating an updated Plan.

This year, we will conduct our planning as part of a pilot project with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, using the Planning for Success model. The planning process will be led by Lori Likis, a consultant to the Department of Education. She will coordinate the six scheduled planning sessions that will take place between February 28th and May 17th.  There will be three sessions with the district Leadership Team and there will also be three sessions with a larger Planning Committee which will consist of members of the Leadership Team, teachers, parents, community-members at large, two school committee members as well as high school student representation.

If you are interested in being considered to serve on the Planning Committee, please fill out the attached form and either send it electronically to my assistant, Ruthann Despier, at or mail it to MPSD, 76 South River Street, Marshfield, MA  02050 by February 3, 2017. We appreciate and encourage your interest and will select individuals in order to create a Planning Committee that represents our district and community.

The Planning Team commitment will be for a minimum of three planning sessions at the Ventress Auditorium.  Two of the meetings will take place between 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM.  Those will occur on March 9th and May 17th.  A third session will take place on April 5th between 1:00 PM- 4:30 PM.  Those who are selected to serve on the Planning Committee will be notified by February 13th.

The Strategic Plan is an extremely important component to our school district and I am excited to work with key stakeholders in formulating the plan that will help guide the district over the next five years.

Thank you for your consideration.


Jeffrey W. Granatino


Strategic Plan Interest Form

If you are interested in serving on the Planning Committee of the MPSD Strategic Plan, please fill out the information below.  You may send it electronically to or you can mail it to the Superintendent’s office at 76 South River Street, Marshfield, MA  02050 by February 3, 2017.

Full Name:  ________________________________________________________

(Circle Appropriate Title)    Teacher           Parent                H.S. Student            Community Member        

School(s) Affiliation _________________________________________

Home Address:  _________________________________________________

Phone Number    ___________________________________________

Email Address:     ____________________________________________

Briefly explain why you are interested in being a part of the Planning Committee:




