Wednesday, January 25, 2017

SC Votes Preliminary FY18 Operating Budget

Last night, the School Committee voted 5-0 in support of an FY18 Preliminary Operating Budget that totaled $48,291,788.  This represents a 5.25% increase over the current FY17 budget.  The district had to submit a preliminary budget number to Town Hall prior to next Monday and will do so now that this vote has taken place.

Of the 5.25% increase, just over 3% will go to cover contractual obligations.  In addition, the district leadership team, brought forth $859,931, in needs based increases from the district's 5-year Financial Plan.  The district leadership team met over the past few months with the Committee's Budget Subcommittee to look at what priorities from the Financial Plan to bring forth.  Ms. Carol Shrand and Ms. Kendra Stetson-Campbell are the two SC members who serve on the Budget Subcommittee.

There will be continued work over the next few months on the budget, once we find out what the Town's target budget number is.  A final vote on the FY18 Operating Budget will take place at the April 11th School Committee Meeting, before it is presented to Annual Town Meeting on April 24th.

Below are components of the Financial Plan which are represented in the FY18 Preliminary Budget:

Increase Technology/STEAM educators at elementary level.
Create Robotics/Applied Physics staffing at MHS
Increase music instruction at elementary level.
Provide additional coaching/supervision in MHS athletics.
Increase administrative support at FBMS.
Bring health education into the elementary schools.
Increase chemistry supplies/materials at MHS
Increase World Language instruction at FBMS.
Fund resources to support Social Emotional Learning.
Establish out of school transition program at FBMS.
Increase reading educator staffing at FBMS.
Create College Board/SAT review courses at MHS.
Continue to meet needs of English Language Learners.
Add math specialist educators at the elementary level.
Restore general and instructional supplies.
Increase annual technology expenditures.