Wednesday, August 2, 2017

New MHS Asst. Principal Introduces Herself to the Community

Below is a introductory letter sent to the MHS community from their newest Asst. Principal, Kristin Brandt.  We are excited to have her join the MHS team.

Dear Parents, Guardians, Families, and Members of the Marshfield High Community:

I wanted to reach out to you directly to express how excited I am to be joining the Marshfield High School leadership team this year.  As I continue to learn more about Ram Nation during these first few weeks, I often find myself anticipating mid-August, when our students and teachers return to the MHS hallways, classrooms, athletic fields, studios, and performance spaces, and MHS is once again buzzing with activity. I cannot wait to see Marshfield High School in action!

I come to Marshfield from Franklin High School, where I was a Spanish teacher for the past four years.  I am a proud graduate of Boston College, Boston College Law School, and Bridgewater State University.  In the past, I also taught high school Spanish in Randolph, Massachusetts, and served as an Assistant District Attorney for the Northwestern District Attorney’s Office at Eastern Hampshire District Court in Belchertown, MA.  

As you might imagine, it is impossible to capture exactly who I am in a written letter, so I hope that we will meet in person soon enough.  In the meantime, however, I want to share with you the following snapshot from my classroom experience, because it represents who I am as an educator and a leader.  

During the first few days of each new school year, I always discuss with my students the importance of being a respectful member of any community. I highlight six words that I prioritize: Respeto (Respect), Comunicación (Communication), Colaboración (Collaboration), Esfuerzo (Effort), Integridad (Integrity), Responsabilidad (Responsibility).  Then, I ask them to consider the following scenario.  In twenty years, when I am very old, I bump into them in the parking lot of a local grocery store. We make small talk for a while and then go our separate ways.  When this happens, what do they want me to remember about them? It is highly unlikely that I will remember how well they performed on a particular assignment. Nor will I remember what grade they earned on the final exam in my class. Undoubtedly, though, I will recall how they treated all members of the MHS community, how well they collaborated with their peers, and how supportive they were of their classmates. Obviously, the mastery of academic standards is extremely important.  But our character is of equal, if not more, importance.  I always challenge my students to leave behind a legacy of which they will be proud.  

I already can see that Marshfield High School faculty, staff, and students are friendly, passionate, engaged, and high-achieving.  I look forward to joining in the mission of Marshfield High School, as we all work together to develop and strengthen the skills that we need to engage with others in a 21st century global society.  I seek to support our students as they follow their own academic and extracurricular path at MHS.  I also recognize the value in students’ development of their whole person.  I embrace this opportunity to help students practice the informed, considerate decision-making that will guide them in the future and shape their lasting legacy.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns.  My email address is and my phone number is 781-319-3806.  Also, please feel free to follow me on Twitter: @MHSAPKB. Finally, I would like to invite you to stop by the High School library on August 15, 2017 any time between 10:00AM and 12:00PM so that we can meet before the school year begins.

I sincerely appreciate your ongoing support and cooperation during my transition and in the months and years ahead. Enjoy the rest of the summer!


Kristin M. Brandt
Assistant Principal

Marshfield High School