Prior to the 1st day of school for students, our faculty and staff had a chance to come together in our annual opening day assembly on Monday. We heard words of hope and inspiration from our SC Chair, Sean Costello. In addition, I had the opportunity to talk to the team of educators about themes that we will focus on throughout the year. The most important one being that "All Means All". We also looked briefly at our new District Strategic Plan and spent a while investigating how we will incorporate Social Emotional Learning into our schools. It was a great morning, that brought together close to 800 educators and support staff and we had a chance to smile and laugh as well. In the end, they were able to meet as teachers and then transitioned to variety of events and meetings back in their schools.
It is always a fun and important day, where our team of educators can come together and make sure their oars are all moving in the same direction as we get ready to greet our students.