Tuesday, September 4, 2018

2018-2019 School Year Opens

We are so excited to greet our students and staff this week as we begin the 2018-19 school year.  While you have probably received information from your individual schools, we wanted to pass along some general information that may be of assistance.

 Opening Dates:  The school year began for all staff on Tuesday, September 4th.
Classes will begin for students in grades 1-12 on Wednesday, September 5th.
Classes will begin for kindergarten on Thursday, September 6th.
Classes will begin for preschool on Friday, September 7th.

The first few days of school will be warm so please make sure your children are dressed appropriately and bring water.

Bus Routes- Here is a link to our district website which give you all of the district’s bus route information- https://www.mpsd.org/cms/lib/MA02212716/Centricity/Domain/4/2018-2019%20Bus%20Routes%2018.08.27.pdf

School Start Times- Please remember that the GWS, DWS and EWS are now “late schools”.  The MES and SRS are now the “early schools”.  The start times remain the same for the FBMS & MHS. 

MHS                           7:15-1:47
FBMS                         7:50-2:20
SRS & MES                8:20-3:00
DWS, GWS, EWS      8:50-3:30

All other school time related information can be found on the district website under each school’s link.  https://www.mpsd.org

School Breakfast at FBMS & MHS- The School Committee voted last month to establish a breakfast program at the Furnace Brook Middle School and Marshfield High School.  This will be available on a daily basis.

Breakfast will cost $2.00 for students and $2.50 for adults. 

The school breakfast will meet all federal nutrition requirements.