Monday, September 24, 2018

Safety & Security Update

September 24, 2018

Dear Members of the MPSD Community,

As many of you are aware, the Marshfield Police were tasked with searching for a shooting suspect earlier this evening.  Due to the proximity of the search to some of our schools, those buildings near the search site went into a Shelter in Place per coordination with the Marshfield Police. 

All schools were locked down and no one was allowed to enter or to leave.  When it was deemed appropriate, the Marshfield Police Department coordinated the evacuation of those buildings with our staff.  Students and adults present in those buildings were escorted out of the building with the assistance of the police.

The largest group of students and adults were at the Marshfield High School as there was an athletic event and various practices taking place.  All of the students and adults showed great patience and composure throughout the event.  We also had students at the South River School for practice and adults were at the Martinson Elementary and Furnace Middle Brook Schools.  They were all terrific as well in dealing with the Shelter in Place and were successfully evacuated in a safe and secure fashion.

There was tremendous coordination with the Marshfield Police Department throughout the evening, even as they dealt with the issue at hand.  I want to thank the entire police department and our staff who were at each of the impacted schools for all of their efforts.  I also want to thank our students, the adults in attendance and all of the parents, along with our friends from Duxbury who were in attendance for a game, who all worked together as we safely evacuated the buildings.  It was a tremendous team effort and it was comforting to see our safety protocols work effectively when put into action.

If there is any new information to share on this matter, I will send out when appropriate.  For our students, in light of the ongoing events around town, all homework due tomorrow and tests and quizzes assigned for tomorrow will be postponed by a day. 

Thank you and have a good & safe evening.


Jeffrey W. Granatino