Thursday, November 2, 2017

Update From Morning Email

Good afternoon.  Below is a brief follow up to the email sent this morning related to the recent threats made on social media:
The Marshfield Public School Department (MPSD) is continuing to work with the Marshfield Police Department (MPD) as they investigate threats that were made by a young adult male which were posted on social media. The threats were directed at the Town of Marshfield and the Marshfield Rams.  As reported in an earlier email sent to the school community, the police acted immediately upon hearing of the threats and intervened with appropriate police/medical intervention and the adult has been removed from our community.

As this is an ongoing police investigation, we cannot speak to the details of what is transpiring on the law enforcement side of this matter.  Those questions should be directed to the Marshfield Police Department.  (There will be a release forthcoming from the MPD on police/court actions taken this afternoon.)

As a school district; however, I can inform you that we communicated with all of our families and staff via email this morning to make them aware of what transpired and what steps the police and schools had taken to that point.  We asked for a police presence at our schools for the morning drop off to provide additional assurances to our families and staff.  In addition, I have issued a no-trespass order to the young adult who issued the threatening comments.  In that order, he is prohibited from entering in or upon any of our seven schools or the district administrative building.  This extends to all adjoining fields and school properties.  In addition, he is prohibited from attending any athletic and/or extracurricular events that involve the Marshfield Public Schools.

As we noted in this morning’s notice to the community, our primary concern is the safety and security of every student who is entrusted to our care. The Marshfield Public School Department and the Marshfield Police Department take this responsibility very seriously and will continue to take the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of our students and staff. 

Thank you,
Jeffrey W. Granatino