Monday, April 30, 2018

MPSD Wall of Honor Nominations

April 30, 2018

The Marshfield School Committee and MPSD Leadership team are excited to begin the process to select the district’s inaugural Wall of Honor induction class.  The purpose of this honor is to foster pride in our system through recognition of individual achievement of former students, teachers, coaches/advisors, administrators, school committee members and friends of the Marshfield Public Schools.

Voted on last fall by the School Committee, the Wall of Honor will look to “honor people of exemplary moral character who have made an outstanding contribution to the school community or education, over a period of time; or have accomplished exemplary achievement; or have displayed outstanding leadership.”

“Any faculty/administrator/school committee members or school volunteers/supporters who have not worked in the Marshfield Public School district for at least three (3) years or more, and /or students who have been graduated for three (3) years or more are eligible to be considered for nomination. Any member of the Marshfield community or Marshfield school community may nominate a candidate.”  

Over the past month, we have established a Wall of Honor Subcommittee and that group of individuals will be responsible for deliberating over each nominee’s qualifications and making a final determination on this year’s Honorees.  This subcommittee consists of the Superintendent, two members of the community, two school committee members, two teachers and a building principal.

“Any member of the Marshfield community or Marshfield school community may nominate a candidate.  Nominations should be made by letter (or by attached nomination form) stating the individual’s accomplishments and the nominator’s reasons for support of the nomination.  Vitae of the nomination should accompany the letter.” 

These letters of nomination should be submitted to Ruthann Despier, the Superintendent's Administrative Assistant.  The letter/nomination form can either be mailed to the Marshfield Public Schools’ Central Office (76 South River Street) or emailed to Ms. Ruthann Despier at  The deadline for submitting a nomination letter will be Friday, May 18th.

Once the inaugural class to the Wall of Honor is selected (early June), those individuals will be notified and there will be an evening to honor them.


MPSD Wall of Honor Subcommittee


Marshfield Public Schools
Wall of Honor
Nomination Form

Please take a moment to fill out this form and return it to the Superintendent’s Office by Friday, May 18th.  The form may be mailed to 76 South River Street, Marshfield, MA  02050 or emailed to the Superintendent’s Assistant, Ruthann Despier at

Name of Nominee _______________________________________

Nominator’s Name:  _____________________________________
Phone/Email:             _____________________________________

Nominee was a (check all that apply):

            Graduate of MHS                                                       _____
            Teacher/Staff member/SC member                             _____
            Friend/Supporter of Marshfield Public Schools         _____

If a graduate, teacher/staff member or School Committee member, when did nominee graduate, retire or end their service to the district.    

Please provide a list of accomplishments and a brief description of why you feel the nominee is worthy of this honor (if space is not sufficient, feel free to attach additional documentation).


Please provide two (2) additional references who can speak to this nominees accomplishments.

Name ________________________________          Phone/Email ________________________
Name ________________________________          Phone Email ________________________

The Subcommittee will make their final decisions on the class of 2018 Wall of Honor by early June, 2018.