Monday, July 27, 2015

Coffees With The Superintendent

I am excited to announce that I will be hosting a series of “Coffees with the Superintendent” throughout the month of August.  These coffees will take place in each of our seven schools and they will give me a chance to introduce myself to parents and stakeholders at our respective schools.  In addition, I will be able to hear from you and get a feel for the issues that are of interest around the district.

Each coffee will take place between 8:30-9:30 AM on the dates listed below.  It would be great if you can stop by.  I look forward to meeting you over the next few weeks.

All the best,

Jeffrey W. Granatino


Coffee Dates (all meetings are scheduled for 8:30-9:30 AM):

Monday, August 3rd @ Governor Winslow Elementary School (Library)

Thursday, August 6th @ Furnace Brook Middle School (Library)

Monday, August 10th @ Marshfield High School (Café)

Tuesday, August 11th @ Eames Way Elementary School (Library)

Friday, August 14th @ Martinson Elementary School (Cafeteria)

Wednesday, August 19th @ Daniel Webster Elementary School (Library)

Friday, August 21st @ South River Elementary School (Library)