Thursday, December 29, 2016

Communication on Water Sample Testing

The following notification went out to the MPSD community on December 19th.

Dear MPSD Families and Staff:

The Marshfield Public Schools recently opted to participate in a voluntary program offered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to test for lead and copper in our school water system.  As you may be aware, school districts from across the Commonwealth are taking similar steps.  Please see the link for information as per DEP:

Per the DEP’s recommendation we tested all fixtures considered a drinking source in our schools.  The test results from all schools have not been returned, though results from a few schools just came back to us.  As we receive information on each individual school, we will follow up with a school-specific letter outlining the findings from those schools and possible steps that we may have to take based on the findings.

As always, our school system is committed to protecting student, teacher and staff health, and we will work with the DEP to ensure we are meeting the needs of the entire school community.


Jeffrey W. Granatino

Cc:     Marshfield School Committee
          Marshfield Board of Selectmen
          Rocco Longo, Town Administrator
          Tom Reynolds, DPW Superintendent